Brandon for Chicago

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The Website That Helped Contribute to Brandon Johnson Winning the Chicago Mayor Election

Tools used
Web Development


Brandon Johnson, a long-time community organizer and teacher, decided to run for the Mayor of Chicago in the 2023 election. He needed a website that would represent his campaign and engage with the community. After a rigorous selection process, his team chose a website designer and Webflow development firm who promised to deliver an exceptional website that would match their vision.

The Challenge

The challenge was to create a website that would help Brandon Johnson stand out from his competitors and appeal to the diverse population of Chicago. The website needed to be visually appealing, informative, and easy to use. It also needed to integrate various functionalities such as a donation platform, social media integration, and a volunteer sign-up form.

The Solution

The website designer, Jamey Gannon, started by understanding Brandon Johnson's vision and values. She conducted research on his campaign goals, the audience, and his competitors. The website had a professional and modern design with clear calls-to-action that guided users to donate, volunteer, or learn more about the candidate.

The team at Reflow then took the designs and developed a 1:1 build out, turning the design into a live, fully functioning website within a weekend. The website also featured a press and statement section that kept the community updated on the latest campaign news, and a social media integration that allowed visitors to share content and engage with the campaign on different platforms.

Reflow took Jamey’s responsive design and ensured the website was accessible on all devices, including smartphones and tablets. They also incorporated search engine optimization techniques to ensure that the website would rank high on search engines such as Google.

The Results

Brandon Johnson's website was launched in October 2022, and it received an overwhelming response from the community. Within the first week of the website's launch, it received over 10,000 visitors, and this number continued to grow steadily throughout the campaign period.

The website helped the campaign raise millions in donations from supporters across the city. The site also played a crucial role in keeping the community updated on the latest campaign news and events, and it received tens of thousands of views during the campaign period.

The social media integration on the website helped the campaign reach a broader audience and engage with supporters on different platforms. The campaign's social media pages gained over 50,000 followers, and the content posted on these pages received over 1 million engagements.

Brandon Johnson's website played a crucial role in his campaign's success. It helped him establish a strong online presence, engage with the community, and raise the necessary funds to run an effective campaign. Brandon Johnson went on to win the Chicago Mayor Election in April 2023 with over 50% of the votes.

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