YETI Events Guide

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The YETI Events Guide is an extensive and detailed resource that helps YETI event staff.

Tools used
Web Development
Web Design
3rd Party Integrations

The Problem

The YETI and SwiftCurrent Events teams used to manage almost 80 events annually using outdated spreadsheets. This resulted in duplicate data and made it nearly impossible to keep the entire team of almost 50 people on track and in sync. As a result, there was confusion and frustration across the teams, as well as errors in event planning and execution. This led to hundreds of lost hours and even more money wasted.

The Solution

To overcome these challenges, Milhoan Design and Coefficient helped YETI and SwiftCurrent Events transition to a new way of managing data using Airtable, Notion, and Webflow. This new workflow streamlined their processes and improved collaboration across the team saving hundreds of hours and and hundreds of thousands of dollars by eliminating duplicate data, rescheduling flights, and lost or missing housing reservations.

Airtable to Webflow

YETI or SwiftCurrent staff enter event data into an Airtable form. This data is then transferred to the Webflow CMS using Whalesync, a tool that enables two-way communication between Webflow and Airtable databases. This allows teams to stay up-to-date as information is updated instantly, ensuring that no one is left in the dark.

Single Source of Truth

By centralizing data in Airtable, a single source of truth was created that eliminated the need for multiple spreadsheets and emails going back and forth. This streamlined YETI workflows and improved collaboration across the teams. Webflow was used to allow specific team members to view the data in a clean, easy-to-read format without needing access to the Airtable database. Overall, this new workflow saved hundreds of hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars by eliminating duplicate data and reducing errors in event planning and execution.

Webflow Logic

Webflow Logic and Webflow Memberships are used to verify specific team members who need access to the Airtable database. If a user with an official YETI email requests access, logic is set up to automatically invite the new team member. This ensures that only authorized users can view sensitive data, while also simplifying the process of granting access to those who need it. By using logic to automate this process, the YETI and SwiftCurrent Events teams save time and effort that would otherwise be spent managing access requests manually.

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